Utilizing our achievements, reliability, and technical capabilities
As a new agent responding flexibly and promptly to the needs of the times
Kitakyushu City has dispatched engineers to Cambodia, Vietnam, and other countries to promote water services through such supports as building water purification plants since the 1990s.
Utilizing achievement and experience to further develop water services abroad, Kitakyushu City founded Kitakyushu Water Service Co., Ltd. together with private enterprises in 2015.
Water is the most basic need for humans’ health and well-being.
In 2022, however, 2.2 billion people still didn’t have access to safely managed drinking water.
Furthermore, 3.5 billion people lacked safely managed sanitation. U.N. General Assembly President once called this dire situation “a moral failure.”
The 2030 agenda for sustainable development sets its goal 6 : to ensure access to water and sanitation for all by 2030. We believe that without access to water, there can be no sustainable development.
We are determined to resolve such challenging issues with parties concerned and contribute to the world as well as Japan.
Yamamoto Koji
Management Vision
Corporate philosophy
Become a new agent that supports the development of water and sewer business operators and the creation of rich water environments in the city of Kitakyushu and at home and abroad.
Responsibilities to be fulfilled
Support the strengthening of the management base of Water and Sewer Bureau, City of Kitakyushu.
We will contribute to ensuring the sustainability and further development of water and sewer business for the City of Kitakyushu, which is facing to the challenges on the maintenance age, as an affiliated organization for the City of Kitakyushu.
Regional support for the water and sewer business operators in northern Fukuoka prefecture.
We will promote regional cooperation through diverse means together with Water and Sewer Bureau, City of Kitakyushu and provide regional support for water and sewer business operators in northern Fukuoka prefecture.
Promote overseas water business in the city of Kitakyusyu
We will promote overseas waterbusiness in the city of Kitakyusyu by taking advantage of the flexibility and promptness of management as a corporation.
Management Policy
- Ensure public responsibility
- We will contribute to the supply of safe and reliable water to improve the public health, and the conservation of water quality in public water area in cooperation with Water and Sewer Bureau, City of Kitakyushu, as a main maintenance operator of essential infrastructure.
- Ensure independent management
- We will maintain independent and sound management as a corporation.
- Conveying and developing water and sewer technology
- We will convert and further develop water and sewer technology as a bearer in the age of maintenance, and contribute to maintaining and developing the water and sewer technological capabilities of the entire country.
- Flexible and prompt management system
- We will build a management system that can respond flexibly and promptly to diversified social demands and business needs as well as changes in the management system.
- Focus on communication among water and sewer business operators
- We will actively listen to the voices of water and sewer business operators in the northernFukuoka prefecture and abroad, and provide various services suited to the specific management environment of each business entity.
Overseas project
Overseas Water Business Projects
We are forming official development assistance (ODA) projects and carrying out the projects mainly in Southeast Asian countries, based on the good intercity relations, human networks, and the experience of international technology cooperation have been developed individual overseas water businesses as Water and Sewer Bureau, City of Kitakyushu.
We will continue to contribute to the improvement on environmental sanitation and the achievement of SDGs in water and sewer expansion projects, particularly in Cambodia and Vietnam, through grant and loan assistance.
International Cooperation Projects
We cooperate with the Water and Sewer Bureau of Kitakyushu, the Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) Kyushu, and the Kitakyushu International Techno-cooperative Association (KITA). We receive overseas trainees and dispatch experts to provide technical assistance.
Specifically, we have dispatched experts as instructors for the JICA’s Thematic Training Courses, as well as specialists for the JICA Partnership Program and other programs to contribute to the improvement of water environment in developing countries.